ONE PIECE: 8 Unsolved Mysteries After The Wano Arc

 The following are 8 mysteries of One Piece that are still not solved after Wano's bow is complete. Considering that there are still many mysteries that have not been solved until now.

Wano Arc will eventually end up with one piece manga chapter 1057. This is a long journey, but it's time for Luffy to continue his journey.

However, there are several main plots that have not been resolved. Including some of the mysteries of One Piece that have not been solved so far.

Some of them are likely to be answered soon, while others will take a long time.

1. Why does Wano country have a different climate?

ONE PIECE: 8 Unsolved Mysteries After The Wano Arc

Wano country is a very strange island. Each region has a very different climate.

For example, the capital flower has a spring theme, while Ringo is always winter.

This always happens in the One Piece story, even after Kaido changed most of the country into a giant weapons factory.

Some theorists speculate that the Wano state initially consisted of several different islands.

Some of them even believe that the rowing of the continental puller is responsible for this climate of Wano.

Apart from whether it is true or not, no one is really careful to ask why there are so many different climates.

2. Where did the big mom pirates go?

ONE PIECE: 8 Unsolved Mysteries After The Wano Arc

In Wano's bow, it was found that the big pirates were trapped in a waterfall. All of their efforts to rise were thwarted by King and Marco.

Because the defeat of their leader Big Mom, the current presence of Big Mom Pirates is unknown.

However, they were last seen attacking the world government ships after the attack ended.

The reader can only ask if the creator of Manga Eiichiro Oda has a further plan for them.

With their big mothers mysteriously disappeared, their future remains uncertain.

Maybe they will appear again in the story of the cover of Germa that is still ongoing.

3. Pluton Form

ONE PIECE: 8 Unsolved Mysteries After The Wano Arc

After a few years, the reader finally has a definite answer about the location of Pluton.

Over the past 800 years, it has been buried far below the Subterranean Wano, just below Mount Fuji.

Kozuki Sukiyaki told Nico Robin that he had never seen the weapon itself, so his appearance remained a mystery.

The only way to release pluton is to break down the wall that protects the country of Wano.

Of course, they are currently not ready to face the marines, so that warships will be silent for a while.

Ancient weapons seem to be the final game material for the One Piece series. Pluton is likely to reappear in the last few arcs.

4. Why does Seastone come from Wano's country?

ONE PIECE: 8 Unsolved Mysteries After The Wano Arc

Seastone is a strange ingredient that has the ability to cancel the power of the Devils.

Basil Hawkins once mentioned that Seastone came from Wano. However, that has not been explained further.

The main ingredient of Seastone is a substance known as pyrobloin. Some theorists believe that Wano is connected to Jaya, but it has not been confirmed.

When the straw hat left the country of Wano, readers knew a lot about Seastone before their trip as they did.

There is still no explanation why the Navy has a large amount in the One Piece series.

5. Who is looking for Eustass children?

ONE PIECE: 8 Unsolved Mysteries After The Wano Arc

Shortly before he left Wano Country, Kid said that he would look for "a man with a burn scars."

He seemed to believe that it would make him one step closer to find one part.

This is a very brave claim because Luffy has more Poneglyph than children.

Luffy and Kid have separated, so it might take a while for perspective to return to Kid.

Of course, the reader can only ask himself who this mysterious figure is.

At present it is unknown whether Kid refers to new characters or existing characters. Popular theories include The Man Who Met Crocus during the cover story and Scopper Gaban from Roger Pirates.

6. What happens to Kaido and Big Mom?

ONE PIECE: 8 Unsolved Mysteries After The Wano Arc

At the end of the Wano Land arc, Kaido and Big Mom had fallen into liquid lava underground.

However, in the past week since their defeat, none of the characters commented on their status.

One reader does not know whether they live or die. It should be noted that Momonosuke does not seem to worry about their return, so they are not even taken into account in their future plans for the country of Wano.

However, it is very strange how their current status is still unknown.

The world government has abandoned them from their Yonko title, so they might no longer be the main players in the new world.

7. Who is Yamato's mother?

ONE PIECE: 8 Unsolved Mysteries After The Wano Arc

Very few are known about Yamato's childhood besides a short flash when Kaido placed it in a cave.

Actually, there are many that have not been said about Yamato. This includes why Kaido pursues the myth of his myths and whether the Oni race has an important meaning in the story.

Of course, the most persistent question is Mrs. Yamato's identity.

Manga One Piece has not given instructions about its existence. No one is really talking about it, even Kaido and Yamato.

It is clear that whoever these people, they no longer play a role in the family. If not, someone will comment now. Either Way, it still needs to be seen whether Mrs. Yamato will be a factor in the story.

8. Does Zoro meet Grim Reaper?

ONE PIECE: 8 Unsolved Mysteries After The Wano Arc

Back in one part 1038, Zoro experienced a very strange meeting with a hooded figure carrying a sickle.

Keep in mind that he has suffered from very low health.

Zoro just survived the struggle against the king. He also drinks a recovery concoction that will double the pain before a long time.

Many readers are very worried that he will die in the onigashima attack.

Although he recovered from his severe injury, Zoro had not discussed what he saw at that time. Supernatural elements are rarely seen in the One Piece series, making this is a very unusual event.

It was eight mysteries of one part that had not been completed until Wano's bow was finished.

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